The Projects


1. Recreate the Battlemasters Boardgame

I am going to build a version of the Battlemasters Boardgame and make it a home for all the 1990s Warhammer-ish figures that I have. With additional miniatures/armies, a homemade playmat, magnetic movement trays, terrain pieces and adopted rules. To recreate the game that once (1992) was a big inspiration to us and to have setup for simple fantasy battles.

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2. A Retro Fantasy Wargame

A classic „free form“ wargame like the ones we all know. The core project. Made with all the old 25mm fantasy minis I have collected and some home casted. I am going to create a world, write a little rulebook with a story and campaign background, rules for adventure gaming (no, I am not going to say "roleplay"), build a lot of cardboard and other scratch build scenery and dungeons. It also has a good title, but I am not going to publish it now.

3. Fantasy Boardgame

A strategic fantasy boardgame that is like Risk, Axis & Allies, War of the Rings or Conquest. On a map/board that is devided into countries of different sizes, random spreaded cities, castles and obstacles. I have the idea to include an adventuring part into it with heroes and/or magicians that have to achieve or collect artifacts as mission goals. A little bit of capture the flag, something to fight over. Using the very small minis I own to produce the playing pieces. Additionals can be casted with Prince August moulds. Another option would be to use moulds for medieval and fantasy chess figures. 

The Lord of the Rings-Boardgame (Old Version). Something like that.